
Product Certification

Product Certification Elucidation

Product certification is a written assurance from an independent third party that the product and its supporting processes have met the requirements of health, safety and environmental safety standards.

Product Certification Service Scope

As an accredited institution to carry out certification, PT SUCOFINDO’s product certification covers the following scope:

  • Consumer Products
  • Industrial Products
  • Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • Toy
  • Agricultural product
  • Food products
  • Construction Materials (steel, cement, pipe, etc.)
  • Battery Motor Vehicle Components, Auto Glass).


  • Ensuring that the products produced have gone through effective testing, control, and supervision
  • Consumer protection
  • Fulfillment of standard requirements for mandatory SNI products for certain products
  • Increased competitiveness against non-standard products
  • Increased efficiency thanks to the implementation of an effective quality management system.

Product Certification Process

  • Definition of the scope of product certification (application form)
  • Factory visit: document audit and pre-audit to test the level of implementation of the quality management system and product standards implemented by the company/organization.
  • Audit certification in 2 stages, namely:
    • Factory evaluation is carried out comprehensively to assess product quality such as quality plans, quality control, and quality records and based on SNI that has been applied and the scope of the product certification application
    • Sampling, testing, and analysis: carried out to ensure product consistency according to standards
  • PT SUCOFINDO will issue the certificate — ICS following the scope of application of product standards applied by the company and is valid for 3 years from the date of approval. A new certificate can be issued after the organization has taken corrective action (CA) on the audit findings
  • Monitoring audit will be carried out by PT SUCOFINDO — ICS to monitor the level of maintenance of the organization’s management system
  • Recertification audit, after 3 years, PT SUCOFINDO – ICS will conduct a complete recertification audit of the organization that has been certified.

Additional Information

Product Certification

PT SUCOFINDO Certification Products