
Commisioning Certification (SLO)

Commisioning Certification (SLO) Elucidation

Commisioning Certification (SLO) is a formal acknowledgment that an electric power installation has functioned and is declared ready to operate by the specified requirements (operation-worthy).

Various Indonesian electric power installations must own SLO because of the inevitable potential for accidents and losses around the agency. As a company specializing in the inspection and certification services field, PT SUCOFINDO can help ensure that electric power installations meet the latest operational requirements and feasibility.

Commisioning Certification (SLO) Service Scope

The scope of the implementation of the Electrical Installation Operation Feasibility Test refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 38 of 2018 concerning Procedures for Accreditation and CERTIFICATION of Electricity, which includes:

  • Document Check
  • Design Conformity Check
  • Visual Check
  • Evaluation of Equipment and System Test Results
  • Unit Test
  • Environmental Impact Check
  • Corrosive Protection System Management Check

The legal basis that forms the base of the Electrical Installation Inspection work under the supervision of the local Directorate General of Electricity/Department of Energy is as follows:

  • Law No. 1 of 1970, concerning Occupational Safety.
  • Law No. 30 of 2009, concerning Electricity.
  • Government Regulation No. 14 of 2012 regarding Electricity Supply Business Activities.
  • Government Regulation No. 62 of 2012 regarding Electricity Supporting Services Business.
  • Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no. 35 of 2013 concerning Procedures for Licensing Electricity.
  • Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no. 38 of 2018 concerning Procedures for Accreditation and CERTIFICATION of Electricity.
  • Regulations related to Electricity Safety and other Environment.

Additional Information

Ready to Operate Certification (SLO)