
Forest Management Certification

Forest Management Certification Elucidation

Forest management certification ensures that the management of natural forests, plantation forests, and community forests, as well as the chain of custody of timber origins, conforms to the LEI Standard. Verification of the application of forest management can be carried out by an independent, experienced, and professional third party such as PT SUCOFINDO so that the world community trusts the assessment results as consumers of forest products.

Forest Management Certification Service Scope

In its operations, forest management certification covers the following scope:

Sustainable Production Natural Forest Management (PHAPL)

Strategy and implementation of activities to produce natural forest products that ensure the sustainability of production, ecological and social functions, and compliance with regulations.

Sustainable Plantation Forest Management (PHTL)

A series of strategies and implementation of activities to produce plantation forest products that ensure the sustainability of production and ecological, social, and regulatory compliance functions.

Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification

Activities carried out by independent third parties to issue statements that forest products produced by forestry business units originate from forests that are managed sustainably.

Community-based forest management system (PHBM)

Sustainability is defined as all forms of forest and forest product management carried out by the community in traditional ways, both in the form of community units, community-based business units (cooperatives in the broadest sense), and small to medium-sized individuals, which are carried out sustainably.


  • Business actors will obtain added value (premium price) on the sale of certified products.
  • Expanding the market for the sale of certified products.
  • Secure market access to countries with established regulations on sourcing wood products only from certified sources.
  • It improves the image in buyers’ eyes because it produces products whose raw materials are sourced from plantation forests that are managed sustainably.

Certification Stages

  • Contact the certifying body and select the certification you will work with
  • Contact will continue to field assessment and public consultation. The certification body conducts field audits and facilitates community input to expert panels
  • Field pre-assessment will include document evaluation, field scope determination, and expert panel recommendations regarding whether to proceed to field audit or not
  • Performance evaluation and management unit certification decision-making are evaluated by a panel of experts based on all documentation collected
  • The expert panel certification decision draws up a certification decision which is then publicly announced by the certification body
  • LEI will facilitate the determination of the Surveillance Schedule Objections to the certification process or decisions by accredited examiners and the Certification Review Board

Additional Information

Forest Management Certification

PT SUCOFINDO Certification Products