
Halal Products Certification

Halal Products Certification Elucidation

Halal Product Certification can be published by the Halal Product Assurance Administration Agency (BPJPH) based on a written halal fatwa issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council for the results of the inspection report conducted by the Halal Inspection Agency (LPH).

PT SUCOFINDO has been designated as a Halal Inspection Agency (LPH) by BPJPH through the Decree of the Head of BPJPH No. 117 of 2020. The Halal Unit of PT SUCOFINDO carries out the organizational structure inspection process. In contrast, the Halal Laboratory carries out the testing process at the SBU Laboratory and other laboratories at the Branch.

Halal Products Certification Service Scope

PT SUCOFINDO’s halal product certification service aims to provide certainty of halal products for the public in consuming and using the product. Certification of halal products can also increase business value with evidence that their products can enter, circulate, and be traded in the territory of Indonesia.

Based on PP 39/2021 Article 68, Paragraph 2, the scope of services for Inspection or Halal Testing of PT SUCOFINDO Products includes:

  • Examination of the validity of documents, consisting of data on business actors, related permits, names and types of products, list of products and materials used, product processing, and halal product assurance system, to check the validity and adequacy of compliance with the requirements for certification of halal products
  • Implementation inspection, preferably carried out at the business location during the face-to-face production process to ensure the conformity of the requirements contained in the documents in the form of commitments and policies, materials, halal product processes, products, as well as monitoring and evaluation, with their implementation
  • Testing (if necessary) to test materials of doubtful halalness in a halal laboratory

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Halal Products Certification

PT SUCOFINDO Certification Products