Business Sector
Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector
Sector Elucidation
The wholesale trade sector includes companies or industries that buy in bulk and directly from the factory for resales, such as wholesalers, exporters, and importers. Retailers buy from wholesalers and sell them directly to consumers at retail.
SUCOFINDO assists the operation of the wholesale and retail trade sector by acting as an independent third party that can provide objective certainty to each corporate entity in this sector.
SUCOFINDO services support the activities of the trade sector as an independent and competent third party with various services that will benefit the smooth running of activities, protect the environment around physical infrastructure, and increase the company’s credibility.
All companies engaged in the trading sector are significant economic drivers in Indonesia because the general daily needs of the community are directly related to their operational processes. Thus, SUCOFINDO provides various services to meet the needs of this sector, which are divided into 5 categories, namely: