Careers on PT Sucofindo

Start Your Career Path at PT SUCOFINDO

PT SUCOFINDO strives to create economic value through inspection, testing, certification, consulting, and other related services to ensure business certainty. Through this work platform, PT SUCOFINDO invites individuals from beginner to professional levels to contribute significantly to the world.

Improve the Quality of Indonesia’s Business Sector with Your Contribution

We are looking for responsible individuals who want to develop themselves continuously, in a work environment that cares for each other and respects differences, dedication and enthusiasm in moving or facing change to build synergistic cooperation.

PT SUCOFINDO applies the values ​​of fairness and inclusivity to others and continues to provide equal opportunities by implementing gender equality and not discriminate based on ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA) and politics and always upholding the core values ​​of Trustworthy Culture , Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive and Collaborative (AKHLAK). In accordance with Circular Letter Number SE-3/MBU/04/2022 Concerning Policies for Respectful Workplace Policy within State-Owned Enterprises, SUCOFINDO always supports and implements efforts to create a safe, comfortable work environment, harmony, and mutual respect for each other.

Select the Path of Your Career at PT SUCOFINDO

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