Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility

PT SUCOFINDO’s Social Contribution to
Environmental and Community Sustainability

PT SUCOFINDO is committed to support the Sustainable Development Goals through Bakti BUMN with Social and Environmental Responsibility Programs.

This program encourages Creating Shared Value (CSV) for the surrounding community and other stakeholders.


Micro and Small Business Funding (PUMK)

Micro and Small Business Funding (PUMK) aims to improve the ability of small businesses by providing soft loans.

Non Funding for Micro and Small Enterprises (Non-PUMK)

This program mobilizes assistance other than PUMK to support Sustainable Development Goals, including development for Micro and Small Enterprises.

PT SUCOFINDO implements the program
routine blood donation activities every quarter

and mass circumcision which is held once a year. All of these efforts are expected to
enhance the dignity of PT SUCOFINDO as a company that is accepted and respected, and
dignity of society as a prosperous society.

PT SUCOFINDO’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social and environmental responsibility activities are actions or activities that the company carries out to develop the community and the environment together. Check out PT SUCOFINDO’s Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) activities as follows:

Other Activities