HACCP Certification
HACCP Certification Elucidation
Food Safety System Certification is a systematic approach to determining food safety hazards and applying controls to ensure safe products. One form of this certification is the HACCP certification.
HACCP certification consists of 12 steps and 7 principles, which are a logical and systematic approach to taking preventive measures to produce food products that are safe for consumption.
The audit criteria for HACCP certification follow the specific requirements of KAN.K-07.03, SNI CAC/RCP 1:2011, which is identical to the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969 Rev.04-2003). The standard regulates a series of food chains from primary production (on the farm) to final consumption, emphasizing the control of the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
HACCP Certification Service Scope
The scope of PT SUCOFINDO’s HACCP certification services includes a number of types of products and services as follows:
No. | Sektor |
01.0 | Produk-produk susu dan analognya |
02.0* | Lemak, minyak, dan emulsi minyak |
03.0 | Es untuk dimakan |
04.0* | Buah dan sayur |
05.0* | Kembang gula/permen dan coklat |
06.0* | Serealia dan produk serealia |
07.0 | Produk bakeri |
08.0* | Daging dan produk daging |
09.0* | Ikan dan produk perikanan |
10.0 | Telur dan produk-produk telur |
11.0* | Gula dan Pemanis, termasuk madu |
12.0* | Garam, rempah, sup, saus, salad, produk protein |
13.0 | Pangan olahan untuk keperluan gizi khusus |
14.0* | Minuman, tidak termasuk produk susu |
15.0* | Makanan ringan siap santap |
16.0 | Pangan siap saji (terkemas) |
17.0 | Food Contact material |
18.0 | Produksi Pakan Hewan |
19.0* | Jasa Boga |
20.0 | Distribusi |
21.0 | Penyedia jasa transportasi dan penyimpanan |
22.0 | Jasa Penunjang |
23.0 | Produksi kemasan pangan dan bahan kemasan pangan |
24.0 | Pabrikasi peralatan |
25.0* | Produksi dari bahan (bio) kimia |
Keterangan : *Ruang lingkup terakreditasi KAN
Stages of Management System Certification
- As a principal consideration in regional and global trade transactions
- Access to national and international markets
- Fulfill consumer demand
- Improving the company’s image, Declaring the implementation of a food safety system
- Increase the competitiveness of producers