
ISO 9001

ISO 9001 Elucidation

ISO 9001 is a quality management system certification that improves organizational performance, increasing customer confidence and competitiveness.

ISO 9001 Service Scope

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard used to establish quality policies and objectives and their achievements which can be applied in every type of organization/company based on the requirements of clause 10 of ISO 9001:2015:

  • Normative Reference
  • Terms and Definitions
  • Organizational Context
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Supporters
  • operational
  • Performance evaluation
  • Repair.


  • Focus on achieving planned results
  • Flexibility for documented information
  • Improved risk control
  • Better process control leads to better results
  • Increased customer satisfaction and trust
  • Customer retention and loyalty
  • Increase opportunities to enter the global market
  • Greater credibility
  • Improve the company’s image and competitiveness
  • Increase employee morale through a good and consistent work system

Work Implementation

  • Defining the scope of certification.
  • A preliminary visit was conducted to see the analysis and diagnosis gaps between the standards applied by the organization against ISO 9001:2015.
  • The certification audit is carried out in two.
  • Stage 1: Preliminary audit, namely document audit and pre-audit to test the level of implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system in the organization, in preparation for conducting a Certification audit.
  • Stage 2: Certification audit, which is a comprehensive audit to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the quality management system based on the documentation system that has been made and the scope of the quality management system application.
  • PT SUCOFINDO will issue the certificate — ICS following the scope of implementation of the quality management system and standards the company applies and is valid for 3 years from the date of approval. A new certificate can be issued after the organization takes corrective action (CA) on the audit findings.
  • PT SUCOFINDO — ICS will carry out a surveillance audit to monitor the level of maintenance of the organization’s management system.
  • Re-certification audit: after 3 years PT SUCOFINDO — ICS will conduct a complete certification audit on the certified organization.
No Deskripsi sektor ekonomi
Description of the economic sector
No Deskripsi sektor ekonomi
Description of the economic sector
No Deskripsi sektor ekonomi
Description of the economic sector
1 Pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan 14 Karet dan produk plastik 27 Pasokan Air
2 Pertambangan dan penggalian 15 Produk mineral non-logam 28 Konstruksi
3 Produk makanan, minuman dan tembakau 16 Beton, semen, kapur, plester , dll 29 Perdagangan grosir dan eceran; Perbaikan kendaraan bermotor, sepeda motor dan barang pribadi dan barang rumah tangga
4 Tekstil dan produk tekstil 17 Logam dasar dan produk pabrikasi logam 30 Hotel dan restoran
5 Kulit dan produk kulit 18 Mesin dan peralatan 31 Transportasi, pergudangan dan komunikasi
6 Kayu dan produk kayu 19 Peralatan listrik dan optik 32 Intermediasi keuangan; real estate; persewaan
7 Pulp, kertas dan produk kertas 20 Pembuatan kapal 33 Teknologi informasi
8 Perusahaan penerbitan* 21 Aerospace* 34 Jasa Engineering
9 Perusahaan Percetakan 22 Alat angkutan lainnya 35 Jasa lainnya
10 Pembuatan kokas dan produk minyak olahan 23 Manufaktur yang belum diklasifikasikan di tempat lain 36 Administrasi publik
11 Bahan bakar nuklir 24 Daur ulang 37 Pendidikan
12 Bahan kimia, produk kimia dan serat 25 Pasokan listrik 38 Kesehatan dan pekerjaan sosial
13 Farmasi 26 Pasokan Gas 39 Pelayanan social lainnya

*untuk no. 8 dan no. 21 belum terakreditasi

Additional Information

PT SUCOFINDO Certification Products