ISO 45001
ISO 45001 Elucidation
ISO 45001 is an international standard for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, which aims to manage occupational health and safety (K3) aspects in every work process in the workplace.
ISO 45001 provides a framework for the effectiveness of OSH management, including compliance with laws and regulations that apply to each activity and recognizing any hazards that arise. The implementation of ISO 45001 in companies has an organized management structure with apparent authority and responsibilities, clear goals for improvement, measurable results, and a structured approach to risk assessment. Likewise, oversight of management failures, conducting performance audits, and reviewing OSH policies and objectives.
ISO 45001 Service Scope
In the process, PT SUCOFINDO’s ISO 45001 services have a scope that includes:
1 | Pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan | 14 | Karet dan produk plastik | 27 | Pasokan Air |
2* | Pertambangan dan penggalian | 15 | Produk mineral non-logam | 28 | Konstruksi |
3* | Produk makanan, minuman dan tembakau | 16* | Beton, semen, kapur, plester , dll | 29 | Perdagangan grosir dan eceran; Perbaikan kendaraan bermotor, sepeda motor dan barang pribadi dan barang rumah tangga |
4 | Tekstil dan produk tekstil | 17
17* |
Logam dasar produk
Pabrikasi produk logam |
30 | Hotel dan restoran |
5 | Kulit dan produk kulit | 18 | Mesin dan peralatan | 31 | Transportasi, pergudangan dan komunikasi |
6 | Kayu dan produk kayu | 19 | Peralatan listrik dan optik | 32* | Intermediasi keuangan; real estate; persewaan |
7 | Pulp, kertas dan produk kertas | 20 | Pembuatan kapal | 33 | Teknologi informasi |
8 | Perusahaan penerbitan | 21 | Aerospace | 34 | Jasa Engineering |
9 | Perusahaan Percetakan | 22 | Alat angkutan lainnya | 35 | Jasa lainnya |
10 | Pembuatan kokas dan produk minyak olahan | 23 | Manufaktur yang belum diklasifikasikan di tempat lain | 36 | Administrasi public |
11 | bahan bakar nuklir | 24 | Daur ulang | 37 | Pendidikan |
12 | Bahan kimia, produk kimia dan serat | 25 | Pasokan listrik | 38 | Kesehatan dan pekerjaan sosial |
13 | Farmasi | 26 | Pasokan Gas | 39 | Pelayanan social lainnya |
*Ruang lingkup terakreditasi KAN
- Improving work efficiency and productivity to prevent/reduce the risk of work-related accidents and diseases through a systems approach
- Reducing operational costs by minimizing lost work time due to accidents and deterioration of health and reducing legal compensation costs
- Improving relations with interested parties, with the protection of the health and property of employees, customers, and partners
- Legal compliance requirements
- Enhance the organization’s business reputation through independent third-party verification of recognized standards
Certification Process
The process of verifying the conformity of an organization’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System against the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard:
- Defining the scope of certification.
- A preliminary visit to see the gap analysis and diagnosis between the standards applied by the organization against the ISO 45001 standard.
- Audit certification in 2 stages, namely:
- Stage 1: Preliminary audit, namely document audit and pre-audit to test the level of implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the organization, in preparation for conducting a certification audit.
- Stage 2: Certification audit, which is a comprehensive audit to assess the effectiveness of implementation.
- The Occupational Health and Safety Management System is based on the documentation system that has been created and the scope of application of the ISO 45001 system.
- PT SUCOFINDO issues the certification – ICS following the scope of implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the standards applied by the company and is valid for 3 years from the date of approval. A new certificate can be issued after the organization has taken corrective action (CA) on the audit findings.
- Pt SUCOFINDO: ICS will conduct a surveillance audit to monitor the level of maintenance of the organization’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
- Re-certification audit, after 3 years, PT SUCOFINDO – ICS will conduct a complete certification audit on the certified organization.