Coal Commodity
Coal Commodity Elucidation
PT SUCOFINDO’s role in coal CERTIFICATION is divided into two stages: Midstream and Downstream. At the Midstream stage, PT SUCOFINDO provides testing services to determine coal quality. In contrast, at the Downstream stage, PT SUCOFINDO provides a credible guarantee regarding product conformity with the agreed terms and conditions.
Coal Commodity Scope Service
Certification ownership allows companies to explore federal coal mines for geological and other related data in their area of interest. Thus, as a inspection and audit service provider, the scope of PT SUCOFINDO’s services includes the following:
- Drilling
- Survey and mapping
- Resources and reserves estimation
- Mine plan design
- Cutting out survey
- due diligence
- Coal proficiency test
- Bias test
- Geological mapping
- Feasibility study
- Exploration report fs and AMDAL
- Stockpile survey
- Mining materials laboratory testing
- Verification of hauling distance
- Verification of coal benchmark price (HBP)
- Loading survey
- Supervision of mining activities
- Mining services training