Timber Legality Assurance System
Timber Legality Assurance System Elucidation
The timber legality verification system is a verification system to ensure the legality of exported forest products. This verification system responds to concern from the international community over the rate of forest destruction by assuring consumers of the legitimacy of timber from Indonesian forests.
Several export destination countries, such as the European Union, Japan, and Australia, also require proof of the legality of the source of raw materials and or the chain of custody. The government of the Republic of Indonesia has also had Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with several countries such as the UK, the European Union, and Japan to encourage the creation of a monitoring system for forest timber production and legality.
Timber Legality Assurance System Service Scope
Work on assessment activities in the management unit is carried out following Government Regulation LHK No.30/MenLHK/Setjen/PHPL.3/3/2016 and Perdirjen PHPL No. P.14/PHPL/SET/4/2016. This verification process includes the following steps:
Submission of Certification Application
In the case of applying for timber legality certification, the industry must send the completed SVLK Certification System Application and Questionnaire to PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), Jakarta, at the address as written on the application, or it can also be submitted to PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) the nearest branch.
Document Review
Before conducting a field assessment, the industry must first submit company legality data and documents (deed, SIUP, TDP, NPWP, SPPKP, SKT, IUI, UKL-UPL/SPPL, RPBBI, API, and Company Regulations) to be audited by a document review PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) audit team.
Pre Audit Publication
Before conducting a field assessment, PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) will announce or publish a plan for a field assessment of timber legality on the LVLK website, the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Independent Monitor, in villages/sub-districts where industrial sites are located and/or the mass media.
Field Assessment
Field assessment activities are carried out by the PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) audit team at industrial locations. In carrying out field assessments, the PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) audit team must be accompanied by a company representative (Management Representative) authorized by company management with a Power of Attorney or Letter of Assignment.
Certification Decision
The management unit is said to have passed the timber legality certification. It is awarded a Timber Legality Certificate if all the assessment norms for each verifier on the Timber Legality Assurance Standard are “Meet”. If there is a shortage of documents required during the audit, the auditee is given time to submit data and documents a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days from the closing meeting. Decision-making on the results of verification of “Passed” or “Failed” is made by the Decision Maker (Panel Review) based on the auditor’s report.
- There is the added value to the sale of certified products
- Increasingly wide open market for the sale of licensed products
- Secure market access to countries that have established regulations on sourcing wood products only from authorized sources
- For the industry, it will improve its image in the eyes of buyers because it produces products that come from sustainably managed forests
- In compliance with government regulations regarding timber legality
- Expanding market share to countries that require a guarantee of the legitimacy of imported timber
- Build a positive image of the international community