Anti-Bribery Management System
Anti-Bribery Management System Elucidation
ISO 37001:2016 is an international standard regarding the Anti-Bribery Management System. This standard aims to assure organizations that the anti-bribery system is established by establishing a series of measures and controls dealing with bribery and is also intended to prevent, minimize and detect corruption risks.
Anti-Bribery Management System Service Scope
In its implementation, PT SUCOFINDO’s anti-bribery management system services have several stages as follows:
- Defining the scope of certification
- Preliminary visits are conducted to see the analysis and diagnosis gaps between the standards applied by the organization against ISO 37001:2016
- Audit certification in 2 stages, namely:
- Stage 1: Preliminary audit, namely document audit and pre-audit to test the level of implementation of the ISO 37001:2016 quality management system in the organization, in preparation for conducting a Certification audit.
- Stage 2: Certification audit, namely a comprehensive audit to assess the effectiveness of the quality management system implementation based on the documentation system that has been made and the scope of the quality management system application.
- PT SUCOFINDO will issue the certificate — ICS following the scope of application of the quality management system and standards the company applies and is valid for 3 years from the date of approval. A new certificate can be issued after the organization takes corrective action (CA) on the audit findings.
- PT SUCOFINDO — ICS will carry out a surveillance audit to monitor the level of maintenance of the organization’s management system.
- Re-certification audit: after 3 years, PT SUCOFINDO — ICS will conduct a complete certification audit on the certified organization.