
Definition, Objectives, and Indicators of Good GMP Implementation

GMP Important in the Food and Beverage Industry?

The application of GMP or Good Manufacturing Practices needs to be implemented by food and beverage industry players to ensure the quality of their products. Therefore, every company needs to understand GMP as a whole. To know and understand Good Manufacturing Practices further, here are the explanations, objectives, and indicators of Good Manufacturing Practices.

What are Good Manufacturing Practices?

Good manufacturing practices are one of the management procedures adapted to state standards in the form of procedures to produce quality food or beverage products.

Every company that produces consumer goods is obliged to implement GMP. In addition, there are several types of GMP in Indonesia, such as:

  • GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices): GMP standards focus on procedures for producing medicines and excellent and correct ways of making medicines.
  • CPMB(Good Food Manufacturing Practices): GMP standards focusing on food production procedures.
  • CPKN(Good Cosmetic Manufacturing Practice): GMP standards that focus on procedures for making cosmetic products.
  • CPOTB (Good Manufacturing Practices of Traditional Medicines): GMP standards that focus on procedures for producing traditional types of medicines and herbal medicines.

Overall, Good Manufacturing Practice provides ways and various sets of general management requirements that every company must meet. The management process starts with raw materials to become ready-to-consume goods.

Purpose of GMP Implementation

Implementing Good Manufacturing Practice standards is not only aimed at consumer benefits.GMP implementation also covers the areas of producers, consumers, and the government. The following is an explanation of the benefits of implementing this GMP standard.

1. Maintain Consumer Safety

Food and beverage production, considered a good and correct CPMB, will undoubtedly provide good quality to consumers. In this way, consumer safety can be maintained.

2. Product Knowledge for Consumers

Consumers have the right to know every detail of the food or drink they will consume. The details can be in the form of food composition, expiration date, and side effects.

3. Protecting the Market

From the producer side, implementing GMP aims to market products positively to the community. That way, the company can develop a good image in the eyes of consumers.

In an era that relies on social media like today, consumers can quickly disseminate opinions on a product from various companies. Implementing good and correct GMP can increase brand credibility for consumers when using products and help other potential consumers feel safer when choosing products.

4. Increasing Consumer Confidence

The company will also benefit in terms of trust if it produces quality products and complies with GMP procedures. Excellent and consistent quality will also help the company maintain and increase the number of consumers.

5. Achieve Company Goals

Consumer trust in the products produced by the company can help companies achieve business goals. Thus, the company can have an effective and efficient performance.

6. Reducing Operational Costs

Excellent and correct implementation of GMP can also help companies reduce budgets and operational costs.

Good Manufacturing Practices that are well implemented also make companies contribute to government profits in the following ways.

  • The government can protect consumers from the loss of consumption of products not of poor quality. Thus, consumers also feel more secure about the products they buy.
  • The government can guarantee the public that the marketed products are fit for consumption. Thus, consumers can consume products more comfortably and help increase state revenues.
  • The government becomes a bridge for consumers to communicate information about consumption products. Consumers can also learn from the materials used and the packaging process to the contents displayed on the product packaging.

Indicators of Good Good Manufacturing Practice

Here are some indicators GMP implementation industry players need to pay attention to.

1. The Same Commitment from All Parties

A good production process will produce quality production results. In this production process, the cooperation of each party is required. An aligned vision, mission, and commitment will support the realization of the expected production process.

Commitment does not only come from the company’s superiors but also from all parties involved in the entire production process. Staff, employees, managers, and other workers have a significant role in fulfilling the indicators of Good Manufacturing Practices.

2. Mutually Supportive Team

In addition to the similarity of commitment, each party in the company also needs to have mutual support for one another. To achieve this indicator, each party needs to understand their responsibilities fully. Thus, the process of achieving company goals can be realized in line with the commitments and responsibilities of each party.

3. Quality and Quality Standards

As previously explained, GMP refers to the standards and quality that a production process must achieve.

Quality standards and production quality do not only focus on the goods to be produced. More than that, this standard also refers to other external factors. For example, quality food production requires facilities and a supportive environment.

In the food business process, business actors also need to focus on the ingredients to be used and the level of environmental cleanliness and sterility. A non-standard production environment can reduce the quality of a product.

The presence of these quality and environmental quality standards can be used as a benchmark for fulfilling product quality standards. This also needs to be done as an evaluation material for manufacturing practices within the company.

4. Compliance with Standard Good Manufacturing Practices

The application of Good Manufacturing Practices is a long-term concept that requires consistency. Commitment between various parties within the company needs to be carried out continuously to achieve the necessary GMP indicators.

Therefore, every party in the company needs to comply with GMP standards to realize the company’s targets.

GMP implementation becomes a benchmark and evaluation material when the auditor checks the product. Generally, the audit will be carried out by a professional external agency.

To ensure that your company meets all GMP indicators correctly, you can use the services of a trusted and quality GMP Certification agency such as Sucofindo. For more information about this service, you can visit the Sucofindo website page.

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