
Verification, Inspection, and Testing of Equipment (Non-NDT) and Non-Oil and Gas Industrial Installations

Verification, Inspection, and Testing of Equipment (Non-NDT) and Non-Oil and Gas Industrial Installations Elucidation

To protect the safety and health of workers in the industrial environment, companies must provide facilities, standards, codes, and customer specifications following relevant local regulations.

It is also necessary to have independent opinions and support from experts on knowledge and experience, especially in critical conditions and according to the development of science and technology. Thus, the presence of PT SUCOFINDO as an independent third party will ensure that infrastructure and environmental facilities meet technical requirements starting from the planning, manufacture, use, and periodic verification stages.

Verification, Inspection, and Testing of Equipment (Non-NDT) and Non-Oil and Gas Industrial Installations Service Scope

Verification and inspection activities on transport aircraft, pressure vessels, steam boilers, safety valves, pumps & compressors, storage tanks, offshore platforms, and pipelines are a series of comprehensive inspections and tests on equipment performance to define critical points that have the potential to cause dangerous and uncontrollable conditions.

In PT SUCOFINDO services, the scope of this design review includes the following:

  • Review and verify the conformity of object specifications with technical documents
  • Visual observation of objects and identification of objects
  • Field data recording
  • Comparing technical conformity with national, international, and local regulations
  • Conduct technical evaluation and justification to accept the owner’s standards and specifications
  • Feasibility analysis of objects or equipment
  • Preparation of inspection reports
  • Pembuatan laporan hasil pemeriksaan

Additional Information

Verification, Inspection, and Testing of Equipment (Non-NDT) and Non-Oil and Gas Industrial Installations