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Main Causes of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Solutions

The Influence of Industry on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions are an issue that is always hotly discussed. This is not a new problem because it has been happening for years. This certainly has a big influence on the climate change that is currently occurring.

With current advances in technology and industry, it certainly contributes greatly to climate change and carbon emissions. Unfortunately, as time goes by, this also has many negative impacts. Even today, many parties continue to strive to reduce these bad effects on the environment.

Main Causes of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The main cause of this condition is concentration gases from greenhouses which is quite high. These gases are mostly produced by human activities such as the following.

1. Human Behavior

Consumer behavior has a large contribution, namely 60%, to the increase in temperature on earth. Humans’ need for large amounts of energy, such as from electricity and coal, makes the earth increasingly hotter.

Things like the need for clothes, which increases every year, also make the textile industry increasingly widespread and produce pollution, which has quite an impact on life. Excessive use of electronic products is also a cause that unwittingly contributes to climate change.

2. Excessive Garbage Accumulation

This is closely related to human behavior. Garbage, which is items that are no longer used, such as clothing, inorganic packaging, plastic packaging, and many more, is a waste that is difficult to decompose. Its piles can produce gas, which, of course, has a bad effect on the environment.

You need to know that increasingly accumulating waste can cause quite serious environmental problems. One type of waste that causes quite a big problem is plastic waste.

Even though it was initially created to make it easier for humans to package goods or food because it is formed from chemicals, plastic waste is tough for the soil to decompose.

3. Massive Deforestation

Forests are places where trees grow freely and can produce the largest amount of oxygen in the world. Trees also function to absorb carbon dioxide, which, of course, is very beneficial for health.

However, due to the large number of trees being cut down for human needs, the function of the forest is not ideal, and the oxygen supply is running low, causing greenhouse gas emissions

It doesn’t stop there. With fewer trees, groundwater can also decrease. This will, of course, be very dangerous because humans cannot live without water.

4. Use of Fossil Fuels

Fuels originating from fossils, such as gasoline, diesel, and the like, can cause the greenhouse effect. This is because combustion in vehicle engines can produce carbon dioxide and other gases that cause heating.

This condition can damage the ozone layer if it continues over a long time. The thinner the ozone layer, the greater the possibility of solar radiation reaching the Earth.

5. High use of chemical fertilizers

The high use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture also plays a role in causing greenhouse gas emissions. This is because the chemicals used in production can damage the ozone layer.

Types of Greenhouse Gases

The occurrence of the greenhouse effect cannot be separated from the presence of various types of greenhouse gases. Here is the list:

1. Carbon dioxide

This gas type is formed from one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms to produce carbon dioxide molecules. These molecules make up a small part of the atmosphere but have a sizable effect on climate change.

2. Methane

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that can absorb more heat than carbon dioxide.

This gas is formed from one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Even though this gas is only found in small amounts in the atmosphere, it can greatly impact global warming.

3. Ozone

Ozone or trioxygen can help ward off solar radiation harmful to the skin. If this layer is damaged, it is likely that solar radiation will occur more quickly and harm humans and other creatures on Earth.

4. Dinitrogen oxide

Better known as a speed enhancer for vehicles and rockets, it is naturally produced by the sea and also bacteria in the soil.

Factory activities, power plants, and fertilizer use can also produce this compound. Too much of this compound can damage the ozone layer.

Damage to the ozone layer can expose living creatures to solar radiation, and the worst possibility is that humans can experience skin cancer.

5. Chlorofluorocarbon

Humans created this compound by combining chlorine, carbon, fluorine, and hydrogen. One of the most well-known purposes of making this compound is to create freon.

Like nitrous oxide, this compound can also damage the ozone layer and strengthen the greenhouse effect, increasing geothermal heat.

Effective Solution to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Reduce the greenhouse effect. If this happens, several solutions or ways can be done, including:

1. Use of Renewable Energy Sources

Using renewable energy sources is increasingly important in reducing our dependence on limited fossil fuels and contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy sources are obtained from renewable natural resources, such as sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy.

2. Saves electricity usage

Make sure to use electrical energy only as needed. In this way, we can contribute to efforts to reduce the use of energy originating from coal, starting from the smallest things.

3. Change the use of chemical fertilizers to organic fertilizers

You don’t always have to use chemical fertilizers to make abundant agricultural products. You can also change it to organic fertilizer. If the use of chemical fertilizers can be reduced, nitrous oxide gas emissions can be reduced.

4. Processing waste from livestock

Waste is one of the contributors to the greenhouse effect, which is quite influential, especially for livestock waste.

To reduce carbon dioxide and methane emissions contained in this type of waste, you can process the waste into biogas, which can be used as an alternative energy source to replace fossil fuels.

5. Carrying out ISO 14065 certification for the Company

For companies, ISO 14065 certification is important in verifying and validating environmental information. This certification is also a sign that the company is committed to participating in dealing with greenhouse gas emissions.

To create a company that contributes to dealing with the greenhouse effect, you can entrust it to a competent verification and validation institution, such as SUCOFINDO, to issue this certification.

We are here to make it easier for companies who want to enter the scheme greenhouse gas emission reduction certification. For more details, you can find complete information by visiting the page SUCOFINDO!

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