How to Get the Latest Halal Certificate?
The majority of Indonesian people adhere to Islam. Therefore, it is very important for business people to have and know how to get halal certification.
This halal claim is not only devoted to food and beverage products. Businesses engaged in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors are also required to have halal certification.
Thus, if you are planning to open a business or are already running a business but do not have a halal certificate, then it is better to apply for the certificate immediately.
Convenience and comfort for consumers in using your product will certainly build a positive image for the company.
Why is it Important for Business to Know How to Get Halal Certification?
As mentioned in the previous discussion, the majority of the population in Indonesia are Muslims. Thus, many people tend to own or use products that already have a halal label.
Halal Certificate is a guarantee of the halalness of products traded or circulating in Indonesia. The government has also imposed the obligation of halal certification as stipulated in Law no. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee (JPH), the Job Creation Law, as well as Government Regulation no. 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Halal Product Guarantees.
By obtaining a Halal Certificate, consumers and companies will benefit together. Consumers feel safe and comfortable consuming or using the product being sold, and the level of consumer trust in the company will increase.
If a product has a halal label, the quality assurance provided will also have a positive impact on the company. Generally, the presence of a halal logo on a product is the main reference before deciding whether to buy the item or not.
Halal Certificate Function
Apart from gaining the trust of consumers, here are some other functions of having a halal certificate for business products.
- Has an advantage in competing, especially from competitors who have not carried out halal certification.
- It becomes legal evidence for a product or service if the goods or services provided are in accordance with the recommendations and Islamic religious law. This has included the procurement of raw materials to the production process.
- The presence of the halal logo is also to prevent businesses and products from baseless accusations.
- Consumers will find it easier to make decisions that tend to lead to purchasing your product.
- The standards for making food, drinks, medicines and cosmetics are guaranteed to be carried out according to Islamic law.
- Companies will find it easier to reach a larger demographic of consumers, especially the Muslim demographic.
- Companies that have received halal certification from the MUI have contributed to assisting the government and religious organizations in monitoring and guaranteeing the products and services provided to the public.
- Companies that already have an official halal certificate can put a halal label on every product packaging that is marketed.
Requirements to Make Halal Certificate
Before knowing how to get halal certification, every businessman should fulfill the following requirements before applying for halal certification.
1. Business Actor Data
In the process of issuing halal certification, BPJPH (Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency) requires data on business actors. The data consists of NIB or Business Identification Number.
However, if you don’t have an NIB, you can prove it with other data such as NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number), SIUP (Trading Business License), NKV (Veterinary Control Number), IUMK (Micro and Small Business Permit) or IUI ( Industrial Business Permit).
The halal supervisor also requires a copy of the KTP (Resident Identity Card), a copy of the halal supervisor’s certificate, curriculum vitae, and a copy of the decision to determine the halal supervisor as one of the requirements for applying for halal certification.
2. Product Name and Type
Business actors are required to have the name and type of product in accordance with the name and type of product to be certified as halal.
3. List of Products, Materials and Processing
All types of raw materials and processing must also be attached to meet the requirements for halal certification. Business actors must also attach product processing processes consisting of purchasing, receiving, storing materials, processing, packaging, product storage to product distribution.
The materials used for the product must also be halal in nature, both raw materials, additional or complementary materials, as well as primary packaging materials.
In addition, business actors must also be able to guarantee that the product is not contaminated from unclean or dirty (unclean) materials in the production process or its facilities.
4. Halal Assurance System Documents
Every business actor must have a halal assurance system document. This is important to do in maintaining the continuity of the halal production process.
Flow and Methods of Obtaining Halal Certification
Even though it has a long path, basically the process and method of obtaining a halal certificate from the MUI is not difficult. Here are some series of stages how to get halal certification.
- Apply for a certificate online on the page.
- BPJPH will check the completeness of the application data that has been submitted. If the documents are complete, BPJPH will immediately send the documents to the Halal Inspection Agency for the process of checking documents and calculating the cost of product halal inspection.
- Generally, the process of calculating the cost of a product halal inspection has a maximum duration of two working days. However, if the documents do not match, the Halal Inspection Agency (LPH) will ask you to correct the completeness of the documents first.
- You can see the calculation of the cost of inspecting the product for halal according to the unit cost multiplied by the mandays set by BPJPH. The provisions for the cost of product halal inspection are not included in the cost of product halal testing through an accredited laboratory, and are not included in accommodation and transportation costs in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law.
- After that, BPJH will issue bills of payment to business or business owners.
- Furthermore, business actors are required to make bill payments followed by uploading proof of payment within a maximum period of around 10 working days since the invoice was first issued.
- If the business actor does not make the payment within the specified deadline, the application will be cancelled.
- If you have sent proof of payment, BPJPH will verify it. If it is appropriate, BPJPH will immediately issue a document receipt as the basis for the LPH assignment to carry out product halal testing.
- The time needed for product inspection and testing is around 15 working days.
- Furthermore, LPH will submit a report on the results of a product’s halal inspection and testing through the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) by uploading documents via the Halal application.
- Then, the MUI will hold a halal fatwa meeting and then submit the results of the halal decision by uploading related documents to the Halal application.
- BPJPH will immediately issue halal certificates and businesses can download digital halal certificates via the Halal application.
Process and how to get halal certificate now you can also do it through the services of Sucofindo.
Sucofindo experienced in serving halal certification services and already has a certified and competent halal auditor in their field. For more information, please visit Sucofindo website page.