
Inspection and Survey of Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products and Derivatives Industries

Inspection and Survey of Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products and Derivatives Industries Elucidation

Oil, natural gas, refinery products, and their derivatives are vital products that drive a large part of the Indonesian economy. Ensuring the suitability of the quality and quantity of the products handed over is mandatory in this product transaction.

PT SUCOFINDO’s inspection and survey services will help you ensure product quality is by the latest standards and regulations and record basic information about the ongoing product handover process, such as schedule, time details, quality analysis, non-conformances, and other importan matters.

Inspection and Survey of Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products and Derivatives Industries Service Scope

In the context of risk mitigation, the scope of PT SUCOFINDO includes:

  • Inspect each activity in the process chain, including quantity and quality aspects.
  • Initial survey at the terminal or the handover point
  • Taking measurements on land tanks and ship tanks
  • Take samples for laboratory testing.
  • Investigations related to transportation and handling of losses (travel analysis)

Additional Information

Inspection and Survey of Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products and Derivatives Industries