Validation and Verification of Environmental Statements (GHG, Water Footprint, Green Bond, Eco Label, LCA, Environmental Performance)
Validation and Verification of Environmental Statements (GHG, Water Footprint, Green Bond, Eco Label, LCA Life Cycle, Environmental Performance) Elucidation
Validation and verification of environmental statements is the protection of consumers against providers of products and services produced by a company that has not adjusted its company program related to environmental statements. This service will improve the image, competitiveness, and concern for the environment of companies.
Validation and Verification of Environmental Statements (GHG, Water Footprint, Green Bond, Eco Label, LCA, Environmental Performance) Service Scope
As an independent and objective inspection body, PT SUCOFINDO’s validation and verification of environmental statement services have a scope that includes the following:
- Energy
- AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use)
- Water Footprint
- Green Bond
- Eco Label
- Recycled Content
- Biodegradable
- Environmental Performance
In the working process, the environmental statement can be in the form of the following:
- GHG (Greenhouse Gases), namely several gasses that cause the greenhouse effect contained in the earth’s atmosphere, where there is a contribution from the company in carrying out its business activities which will eventually emit GHG emissions
- Water footprint is a concept used to track the amount of water used, in this case, the water used by the company to produce its products and services
- Green Bonds, namely Debt Securities, are environmentally sound, where the proceeds from the issuance are used to finance or refinance part or all environmentally sound business activities
- Eco Label, which is one form of standard created to provide a balance between trade interests and environmental conservation efforts.
- LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) is an approach to assess or evaluate the potential environmental impact of a product or service produced by a company at all stages in its life cycle
- Environmental Performance is a mechanism for companies to voluntarily integrate environmental concerns into their operations and interactions with stakeholders.
Additional Information

Validation and Verification of Environmental Statements (GHG, Water Footprint, Green Bond, Eco Label, LCA Life Cycle, Environmental Performance)