Certification Services

HACCP Certification Procedures, Benefits, and Implementation

Improve Product Safety with HACCP Certification

The food industry is growing in Indonesia. To be trusted by consumers, every company that produces food and beverages must have HACCP certification. Companies that do not have this certification, not that they are not authorized, but people tend to choose to be safe by buying certified products.

The role of this certification is not only essential to increase public trust, but also to add value and quality to the product itself.

What is HACCP Certification

HACCP, or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, is a method used to ensure the safety level of food products. This method has been recognized internationally and has become the standard of all food companies worldwide.

Within HACCP, there is a process for identifying, analyzing, and managing risk factors that can harm consumers during production. This method starts from selecting a quality and safe raw materials, then production, to handling product distribution to consumers.

The HACCP certificate guarantees that the food product is safe for customers. By implementing this method, companies can avoid losses due to the mishandling of products or unexpected things related to consumer safety.

Because of its many benefits, it’s no wonder that many companies are now applying for this certification to improve service to consumers. You can use Sucofindo to help with the food certification application process.

HACCP Certification Procedure

To obtain this food safety certification, you must prepare several requirements and follow the procedures. Conditions that must be met such as:

  • The company already understands the rules regarding quality assurance and food safety.
  • Apply the seven fundamental principles of HACCP.
  • Have an area that is a place to manufacture products.
  • Have staff who are responsible for quality control and safety assurance in production.
  • Have company documents such as a Deed of Establishment, SIUP, NPWP, TDP, and Business License.

Once all the requirements have been met, it’s time to follow the established procedures for administering this quality assurance and food safety certification.

1. Preparation

At this stage, the company first understands the HACCP requirements. It’s better if the company appoints one staff as the person in charge of preparing everything. It is also possible that the staff will be given training on HACCP at Sucofindo first.

2. Implementing the HACCP System

The HACCP system has a specific design for each type of food product. So, after understanding the knowledge, you need to implement everything first  the HACCP method in selecting raw materials, production, and product distribution.

In the HACCP system, food products are grouped into:

  • Dairy products
  • Fats and oils
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Seria
  • Bread or bakery
  • Fish
  • Meat, and so on.

The scope of HACCP includes production areas, products, and processes. So, in implementing this system, it is necessary to make a design for each product group, and one certification only applies to one product group.

3. Analysis

At this stage, the process of identifying deficiencies of the HACCP method implemented with existing standards will be carried out. There is an audit team that will carry out an analysis or evaluation of the use of the system so far. If you still need help, you can use a consultant service that helps with the evaluation and analysis process, such as Sucofindo.

4. Collaborating with Certification Bodies

Get a trusted institution that will help this food certification process. Make sure the institution already has the standards and qualifications set by the government.

5. Audit and Assessment

Once the certification application is submitted, a team will conduct an audit and assess the food production safety policies and procedures that have been implemented. They will check and ensure all the steps follow the HACCP standard.

The audit will be divided into two stages: document inspection and inspection of the production site. At the inspection stage, the assessment team will do the following:

  • A thorough inspection of the production site.
  • Interview several employees randomly to ensure that staff also understand the HACCP system.
  • Check food samples.
  • Provide reviews regarding the implementation of HACCP by the company.

6. Rating result

In the final stage, the auditor team will provide notes on any deficiencies that must be corrected. The company will be given a certain amount of time to revise the HACCP system documentation.

Furthermore, the results of the improvements will be reported back to the auditor team, and there will be a re-check to ensure that there have been improvements as suggested. Once the repair is appropriate, a certificate will be issued.

Benefits of HACCP Certification

The benefits of implementing this food safety certification are:

  1. Able to increase consumer confidence.
  2. Raise the image of the product.
  3. Widen the business network.
  4. Guarantees product safety and quality.
  5. Media for product promotion.

HACCP Certification Implementation

Implementing and applying for certification will be easier when you use a trusted consultant service such as Sucofindo. Easy and fast, and you only need to prepare the required documents. Then, the Sucofindo team will give directions on what to do to pass the auditor team.

For more information about certification services. You can read our article here. If you and your company need further information regarding our services, contact and consult about it here.

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