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How to have, Difference between a Real and Fake SNI Food Logo

Differences between Real and Fake SNI Food Logos

Indonesian National Standards (SNI) are essential commercially, especially for food products. The SNI logo on food products indicates that the product has met security, health, safety, and environmental (K3L) standards.

However, how do you get SNI for your food products, and how can you differentiate between genuine and fake logos? To find out, see the complete explanation below. Also, I understand the SNI certification process and required documents, well, so there are no permission errors.

How to Distinguish Between Real and Fake SNI Logos

To determine whether a food product meets SNI standards, the way to confirm this is to check the SNI logo and certificate. Here is a guide to identifying the authenticity of the logo:

Physical Logo Checking

1. Check the logo embossment

The Indonesian National Standard logo on certain types of products generally looks quite prominent (embossed). This is one of the most easily recognized characteristics.

2. Check the box and SNI number

The original logo usually has SNI writing in the form of a box and is equipped with the appropriate SNI number. Carefully check the writing and SNI number.

3. Instruction Card Attachment

On the packaging for several types of products, there is usually a manual instruction card and warranty card attached. This indicates that the product is an original product that meets SNI standards.

Apart from physically checking the SNI logo directly, you also need to check the SNI certificate number of the food product. Steps to check the authenticity of the certificate online are as follows:

Checking the BSN Database

1. Open the Official BANG BENI Page

The first step is to open the official SI BANG BENI (SNI Goods Application) page from BSN (National Standardization Agency). Just visit the following URL:

2. Open the Search Menu

Next, click the “SNI Goods” menu to start the search. Or directly visit the URL, namely

3. Enter Search Info

You will see a search column after entering the “SNI Goods” menu. Enter the search details in the column according to the information you have, which includes:

  • Product name
  • Company name
  • Brand
  • SNI number
  • Certificate number
  • Publication number
  • Certificate Validity Period

4. Click the Search Button

Finally, click the “Search” button, and the results will appear. For example, if you type the certificate number of the SNI logo for a food product or the product’s name, then the product certification details will appear.

However, when checking, ensure the certificate expiration date is still valid. For example, if you type the product name “Instant Mi” with the brand “Indomie,” complete information will appear, including the issue date and expiration date of the product’s SNI certificate.

Food Products that Require SNI Certificate

So, what food products must include the SNI logo on their packaging? As a reference, here are several examples of food product categories that must have SNI certification:

  1. Air mineral (SNI 3553:2015)
  2. Air demineral (SNI 6241:2015)
  3. Air mineral alami (SNI 6242:2015)
  4. Dew drinking water (SNI 7812:2013)
  5. Biscuits (SNI 2973:2011)
  6. Chocolate (cocoa) powder (SNI 3747:2009)
  7. Iodized consumable salt (SNI 3556:2016)
  8. Crystal sugar (SNI 3140-3:2020)
  9. Instant coffee (SNI 2983:2014)
  10. Canned mackerel and sardines (SNI 8222:2016)
  11. Mi instan (SNI 3551-2012)
  12. Palm cooking oil (SNI 7709:2019)
  13. Artificial sweeteners (SNI 01-6993-2004)
  14. Dry tea (SNI 3836:2013)
  15. Wheat flour (SNI 3751:2009)

The various examples of certificates above prove that food products have met the security, health, and safety standards set by the government. This gives consumers confidence that the product is safe for consumption. Apart from the SNI classification for food products above, I also know the procedures and classification of SNI certification.

How to Get SNI for Food Products

However, the SNI logo cannot be printed carelessly on food products. Manufacturers must follow a series of steps to obtain this certificate. For pongan productsm also have halal certification according to government regulations. The following is a guide that you can follow to get the Indonesian National Standard:

1. Fill out the SPPT SNI Application Form

The first step that needs to be taken is to fill out the SNI SPPT (Letter of Approval for Marking) application form. This process usually takes one day.

However, several essential documents need to be prepared, including a photocopy of the Quality Management System certificate, SNI 19-9001-2001 regarding ISO 9001:2000, which has been legalized and accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).

If the submitted product is imported, you must also ensure complete certification from the Quality Management System Certification Institute (LSSM) in the country of origin. Ensure the government has entered a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) with KAN in Indonesia.

2. Verification by the Product Certification Institute (LSPro)

After the application is submitted, the next step is verification by a Product Certification Agency (LSPro), such as Sucofindo, which KAN has accredited. This verification includes checking all requirements related to SPPT SNI, including audit location and ability to communicate in the local language.

If necessary, especially for imported products, you must also provide local language translators during the conformity audit process. After verification, LSPro will issue an invoice that the producer must pay. This verification process usually only takes one day.

3. Adequacy and Conformity Audit

The following process is the audit stage, which consists of two essential parts: the adequacy and the conformity audits. An adequacy audit involves checking the completeness and adequacy of the quality management system documents as well as the SPPT SNI requirements that have been submitted.

Meanwhile, a conformity audit involves direct inspection at the manufacturer’s location to check the suitability and effectiveness of implementing the Quality Management System. This entire audit process generally takes a minimum of five days.

4. Test Product Samples

This step is crucial if the food product you are proposing requires laboratory testing. Testing must be carried out in a laboratory that KAN has accredited.

If the test is carried out in the manufacturer’s laboratory, then you must ensure witnesses are present during the testing process. The product sample being tested will be given a Test Sample Label (LCU) and sealed.

5. Product Sample Assessment

After product sample testing is complete, the testing laboratory will issue a Test Result Certification. You can continue the certification process if the test results comply with SNI requirements. However, you need to retest if the results do not comply with SNI requirements. For example, you need a household product testing process before obtaining SNI.

6. Certification Decision

The certification decision will be made after all audit documents and test results are discussed at the SPPT SNI Review panel meeting. LSPro-Pustan Deperin must attend the meeting. Preparing meeting materials usually takes seven working days, while the panel meeting lasts one day.

7. Provide a certificate by the SNI Review Panel (SPPT).

The final step is awarding the certificate. If all the conditions are met, and the product evaluation results meet administrative requirements, SNI provisions, and the provisions of the production process and quality management system implemented, then the Department of Industry’s LSPro-Pustan will issue an SNI SPPT for your product.

LSPro is an institution with the authority to examine and determine the quality standards of a product. They play an essential role in supporting government policies regarding product SNI status. One example of such a service provider is Sucofindo.

As one of Indonesia’s KAN-accredited audit institutions, Sucofindo provides Product Certification Services (Indonesian National Standard) for various categories, including food products. Get an SNI certificate and logo on your food products by contacting us Now!

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