
Sampling and Analysis of Solid Waste, B-3, Contaminated Soil, and Their Study

Sampling and Analysis of Solid Waste, B-3, Contaminated Soil, and Their Study Elucidation

Environmental concern is an integral part of the credibility of a company or industry. Creating a healthy and safe work environment for workers and the surrounding environment can also support a company’s or industry’s operational activities from a legal perspective.

With these benefits, PT SUCOFINDO provides sampling and analysis services for solid waste, B-3, contaminated soil, and its studies supplied as a second or third party in other industrial business processes to ensure environmental monitoring quality. Accurate data on the quality of the waste generated periodically, along with alternative treatment options from this service, can determine the choice of an effective and efficient process.

Sampling and Analysis of Solid Waste, B-3, Contaminated Soil, and Their Study Service Scope

Quality monitoring services for solid waste, B-3, and contaminated soil are carried out on industrial entities that produce waste with significant volume and toxicity levels in the process of their operations. PT SUCOFINDO will conduct periodic monitoring to determine follow-up actions in the form of processing and securing waste and handling the work environment in question.

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Sampling and Analysis of Solid Waste, B-3, Contaminated Soil, and Their Study