
Soil Fertility Test

Soil Fertility Test Elucidation

The rapid growth of Indonesia’s agricultural and plantation industries is a challenge for PT SUCOFINDO, which already has services in the field of TIC. PT SUCOFINDO’s services in the soil fertility testing sector must be extended to service units to serve the business processes excellently and quickly. Currently, the soil fertility testing lab is only available at the Cibitung mineral SBU mineral laboratory.

Soil fertility testing is a series of activities to determine micro and macronutrients in agricultural and plantation soils.

Soil Fertility Testing Service Scope

To determine nutrient levels in agricultural and plantation soils, PT SUCOFINDO’s services have a scope that includes the following:

  • Sampling, Preparation, and analysis of agricultural soil
  • Macro analysis Soil nutrients (Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, calcium, and sulfur)
  • Analysis of soil micronutrients (Iron, copper, zinc, and molybdenum)
  • Soil pH
  • Exchange cation
  • Capacity Exchange cation
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Language saturation
  • Soil texture analysis

Additional Information

Soil Fertility Testing