
Assurer of Corporate Sustainability Reports

Assurer of Corporate Sustainability Reports Elucidation

Assurer Sustainability Report (SR) is an assurance stated in a statement included in the Sustainability Report (SR) provided by an agency/company that has a license from the AA1000 Institute.

In the last few years, agencies/companies that publish Assurer Sustainability Reports (SR) have increased rapidly, especially overseas, and are starting to become known to many parties. The agency/company will provide a benefit value to the company which is assessed by assessment by the licensed agency/company. This Assurer Statement is used by companies to attract and convince investors from abroad.

Assurer of Corporate Sustainability Reports Service Scope

In its work, the Assurer Sustainability Report service provides assurance on Environmental, Social and Governance and CSR aspects based on the AA1000AS standard. This audit study includes:

  1. Verification

Ensure and evaluate CSR programs and Sustainability Reports that have been prepared by the Company based on AA1000AS standards and/or other standards according to the business sector.

  1. Issuance of Independent Assurance Statement

Confirm the Company’s Sustainability Report based on secondary data collection through the Company’s Sustainability Report and other data as well as make observations to assess evidence of its implementation in accordance with the AA1000 standard.

Additionally, the Assurer Sustainability Report has benefits that include:

  1. Assure investors that the company has implemented TJSL/CSR in accordance with AA1000 standards.
  2. Evaluate the suitability of sustainability reports
  3. Providing awareness of the importance of the Assurer Sustainability Report.
  4. Providing information that the company has sufficient sustainability capabilities.
  5. Increase awareness of social and environmental issues.

Additional Information

Assurer Laporan Keberlanjutan Perusahaan
Assurer of Corporate Sustainability Reports