
Analysis and Certification of Cosmetics, Medicines, and Traditional Medicines

Analysis and Certification of Cosmetics, Medicines, and Traditional Medicines Elucidation

Cosmetics, medicines, and traditional medicines are products the wider Indonesian community has consistently used for a long time. To ensure that a product from this category is suitable for consumption, PT SUCOFINDO provides analysis and certification services for cosmetics, medicines, and traditional medicines to confirm whether the quality of tested cosmetics, medicines, and traditional medicines follows the requirements and regulations agreed upon by the parties involved for product safety.

Analysis and Certification of Cosmetics, Medicines, and Traditional Medicines Service Scope

As with other PT SUCOFINDO testing and analysis services, this service aims to guarantee results on the quality of credible laboratory products regarding product conformity with agreed terms and regulations. Thus, the scope of this service includes the following:

  • Analysis of physics, chemistry, and microbiology of cosmetic products, drugs, and traditional medicines
  • Analysis of the halalness of cosmetic products, drugs, and traditional medicines.

Additional Information

Analysis and Certification of Cosmetics, Medicines, and Traditional Medicines