Inspection or inspection is a process that is carried out carefully by applying measurement or testing methods based on certain characteristics according to the object being inspected. Generally, this inspection process is carried out with the aim of improving quality.
With regard to business and production, this inspection process is carried out to examine the results of production with the aim of assessing it to conform to the standards set for the product produced.
This article will try to discuss a number of topics related to this inspection process, starting from the scope, method of work, objectives, and benefits to the types. For those of you who are interested and want to know more, see the explanation in the points below.
Inspection Scope
The scope of the inspection process in manufacturing, namely, the work unit, needs to carry out testing and is responsible for assessing the quality, starting from the raw materials from the party suppliers to finished products. This is done so that the resulting product can be in accordance with predetermined standards.
In practice, the work unit of the inspection process is divided into two, viz incoming quality control and outgoing quality control. Incoming quality control is defined as a work unit tasked with detecting and inspecting materials from suppliers to semi- finished products.
Temporary Outgoing quality control is a work unit that has the task of carrying out inspections of products that have been produced.
How Examination Works
In accordance with its understanding, the workings of this inspection process are in the form of measuring the conformity of standards and predetermined characteristics of a product.
The workings of the inspection process also include sorting out products that no longer meet the standards, which are then separated, and the root cause of the non-conformance is sought. In observing to be able to find out the problems that cause non-conformance to the product, usually, this stage is carried out by other parties.
When a product is found that is not in accordance with the set standards, later, the product will be rejected, and the party responsible for this needs to fix it so that products that deviate from the standard are no longer found in the future.
With this way of working, the inspection process is known to be one of the ways that many companies in the manufacturing sector apply to be able to have products with uniform or equivalent quality and standards.
Purpose & Benefit of Examination
After knowing the scope and how it works, at this point, we will discuss the purpose and benefits of carrying out the inspection process. The company conducts inspections for the following purposes.
1. Detect Raw Materials When There Are Defects
One of the objectives of carrying out the inspection process is to detect whether there are defects in the raw materials to be used. This is certainly very.
Useful because it can prevent the entry of defective raw materials when it enters the production process.
2. Detecting Low-Quality Products
Apart from aiming to detect raw materials, this inspection process also has the aim of detecting whether there are finished products that are of low quality or even have production defects.
3. Prevent Quality Problems from Getting Bigger
The inspection process also has the goal of preventing a quality problem from becoming more serious. This prevention is usually done by notifying management before the problem gets bigger.
By informing management, management can take the necessary actions to improve it.
4. Prevent delivery delays
By carrying out inspections, this process can also be carried out for the purpose of preventing delays in delivery due to quality problems that occur.
5. Improving Quality and Reliability
The inspection process, of course, has the main objective of improving the quality of the products produced and maintaining their reliability.
Benefits of Inspection Activities for Quality Control
1. Can Assess Product Quality
The inspection process has several benefits, one of which is that it can assess product quality. By carrying out inspections from all sides, the activities carried out can tell the value of the quality of the products being produced.
2. Can distinguish which products are defective and which are not
From the process carried out, the inspection process is believed to be useful in distinguishing which products end up being defective and which products are not, alias products that have been successfully produced.
3. Can Know Whether The Production Process Is Under One Specification Limit
Then, an inspection is also carried out with the benefit of knowing whether the production process is carried out or if it is close to the limit of one of the specifications set.
4.Can Measure the Accuracy of the Measuring Instruments Used
The inspection process also has the benefit of measuring the accuracy of the measuring instruments used in a production process.
6 Types of Inspection
There are several types of inspection processes that are generally carried out. Details about the six types of inspection will be explained in the points below.
1. Floor inspection
The first kind, i.e., floor inspection, aka inspections carried out during the production control process. In this inspection process, the inspector will examine components such as raw materials and products that are still semi-finished.
Not only that, the inspector will also check the machines used and the workers who assist in the production process. Doing so, this inspection stage will help detect potential problems before the start of large-scale production.
2. Centralized Inspection
The next type that is centralized inspection. Where this inspection is carried out in a centralized place or only focuses on a predetermined place. To carry out this inspection stage, all equipment, machines, and also the products to be tested are brought to the testing site.
3. Combined Inspection
Then there is an inspection combined inspection. This combined examination is carried out by means of inspection floor and also centralized inspection.
4. First & Pilot Piece Inspection
Just like his name, the first piece inspection carried out on the first unit, such as at the change of LOT products. Temporary pilot piece inspections is generally done on products that are still new
5. Functional Inspection
The next type of inspection relates to checking the function of a product. Because checking the functional side, this inspection is generally carried out on finished products
6. Final Inspection
Final inspection as the name implies, will carry out inspection on the finished product. This type will also examine the entire product, from the appearance to the functional side of the product. Because the inspection is final, therefore, this inspection is generally carried out before the product is sent to the consumer.
Currently, there are many companies that offer inspection services. Even so, you need to be careful in choosing a company that will help you carry out an inspection of your business.
PT SUCOFINDO provides inspection and audit services that can assist your company in ensuring that the products, facilities, and also equipment used comply with the standards and conditions that have been determined.
Industrial product inspection services ensure the quantity and quality of products before shipment or upon receipt through calculations and visual inspection as well as laboratory testing. If you are interested, you can get detailed information about joint inspection services SUCOFINDO .