Certification Services

Are Your Children’s Toys Safe? Check the SNI Standards for Children’s Toys Here!

Increase the Safety of Children’s Toys with SNI Standards for Children’s Toys

As a parent who knows the best needs and desires, of course you want to give the best. One of them is by providing children’s toys with national standards. Manufacturers must have SNI for children’s toys, because this is related to the quality and health of children in the future.

For you parents who need knowledge of children’s toys that have SNI standards, this article is very appropriate to listen to. This is because toys for children must be of national standard and of good quality. More importantly, your child’s toys must be safe.

6 SNI Standards for Children’s Toys that Need to be Heard

The SNI license is a benchmark for the quality of a product before it is distributed to the public. Products such as places to eat, drinking bottles to children’s toys must have this one license. In Indonesia, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Industry, every manufacturer of children’s toys is required to have an SNI license.

Actually, you don’t need to worry because in Indonesia, there are companies that have job descriptions to maintain the quality of a product. When discussing SNI standards for children’s toys, consider the following 6 types of SNI licensing standards:

1. ISO 8124 1-2010

The first SNI standard for your children’s toys is ISO 8124 1-2010 which sets the criteria for children’s toys starting from structure, size and shape. The children’s toys that you get must meet the requirements of ISO 8124 1-2010. Examples include contours, sizes, shapes, spacing (e.g. cutting edges and edges, and hinge line gaps).

2. ISO 8124 2-2010

The next SNI ISO 8124 2-2010 is children’s toys that pay attention to flammable elements or not. This one SNI license can assess the category of flammable raw materials in toy products. So, if you choose a toy with this one SNI license, it means that your child’s toy is free of materials that fall into the flammable category.

3. ISO 8124 3-2010

In Indonesia, many of the best companies obtain ISO license certification services and are easy to find. Therefore, the next SNI for children’s toys is ISO 8124 3-2010, which focuses on the safety of your children’s toys from the transfer of certain chemical elements.

Using the sampling method, your child’s toys must be free from elements of antimony, arsenic, barium, lead and others. For this one license process, it is quite strict and complex because the toys circulating in the community must be protected from these elements.

4. ISO 8214 4-2010

Toys that children ride on such as swings, slides and the like must have an element of the SNI ISO 8214 4-2010 license. This relates to the safety of these toys when used for indoor or outdoor.

You as a parent must know the types of SNI ISO 8214 licenses that have been described previously.

5. SNI IEC 62115: 2011

The fifth SNI license for children’s toys is SNI IEC 62155: 2011 which regulates the quality safety function of children’s toys that have electrical elements. For example, racing cars with remote control and the like.

This must be considered for you as a parent who wants to provide the best toys for their children.

6. SNI 7617: 2010

Finally, there is the SNI 7617: 2010 license which regulates the requirements for the use of dyes, metal content and formaldehyde in children’s toys. These substances usually come into contact with children’s clothing. This license is of course to prevent these substances from touching the skin and harming the child’s health in the long term.

Giving the best for children is what parents must do. This includes checking the SNI for children’s toys that are listed on each product.

To check the list of standardized products, just use the services of Sucofindo and find the best product certification services! For complete information you can get from PT. Sucofindo!

For more information about certification services. You can read our article here. If you and your company need further information regarding our services, contact and consult about it here.

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