ArticlesCertification ServicesWholesale and Retail Trade Sector

Free TKDN Certification from SUCOFINDO is Back!

In helping the industry in Indonesia to further develop and continue to utilize the use of local instruments in manufacturing products and/or services, SUCOFINDO is once again offering Free TKDN Certification services in 2024. This offer is valid for Small Industry players (with business capital outside of land and buildings amounting to more than 1-5M) and Medium Industry players (more than 5M-10M) and is valid until November 10, 2024. SUCOFINDO has been officially appointed as the executor based on Minister of Industry Regulation No. 4058 of 2023. In addition, SUCOFINDO also has experience in TKDN certification, has many branches in all provinces in Indonesia, has independent coaching clinics, and guarantees transparent work.

For business players, there are many benefits that can be obtained by having a TKDN Certificate, including being one of the requirements to participate in tenders, getting price preferences, company marketing tools in government procurement of goods/services, and one of the registrations for the LKPP E-Catalog. The requirements for Free TKDN Certification 2024 are as follows:

  1. The company produces, is located, and invests in Indonesia
  2. Free certificates are given to products with a minimum TKDN value of 25%
  3. TKDN value achievement for Small Industries is >40%, except for Small Industries with KBLI 26220, 26320, and 26410
  4. 8 certificates per company

As for some of the required documents, they are:

  1. Risk-Based NIP
  2. NPWP
  3. Deed of Establishment & Latest Changes
  4. Letter of Application

For interested business players, you can directly register your application through the link below:

If you and your company need further information regarding our services, please contact and consult with us here.

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