Testing & Analysis Services

Fumigation? Know Pest Control in the Agricultural Industry

Increase Production and Quality of Yields with Agricultural Pest Control

The benefits of controlling agricultural pests are very large for farmers since they are able to provide solutions so that harvests are abundant and avoid crop failure. There are many control techniques that can be used, one of which is fumigation.

Currently, fumigation is quite popular among farmers and has become an option because it is considered to be able to repel pests so that agricultural products are not only plentiful but quality is maintained. This technique relies on the fumigation of pesticides that are distributed to agricultural areas.

In addition to fumigation, there are also several other techniques that can be applied. Let’s look at the following statements.

Various Agricultural Pests

Pests are all kinds of things that can interfere with plants, can be plants or animals. Therefore, control of agricultural pests must be carried out so that the agricultural yields are in line with expectations.

Some of the pests and plant diseases that often interfere with agriculture are:

1. Rat

Rats are four-legged animals that are very hated by farmers because they usually attack the seeds and stems of plants, especially rice. High mobility with high adaptability and reproduction, making it difficult to handle.

Rats have very sharp teeth and are good at hiding in bushes. Usually, rats move at night and attack grains and stems of rice plants.

2. Caterpillars

The control of agricultural pests other than rats is caterpillars. Although not as dangerous as rats, caterpillars can interfere with plant growth and crop quality they eat leaves and plant stems.

3. Walang Sangit

There is another insect that disturbs agricultural areas, namely walang sangit. This insect can damage many crops because it can jump and fly from one plant to another, making farmers become furious.

In addition to damaging rice and other agricultural plants, walang sangit also emits an unpleasant odor that makes this one animal even more disturbing.

4. Leafhoppers

The next nuisance animal is a planthopper. It usually attacks leaves and plants and then causes the death of the plant. This one pest carries a deadly virus, called tungro disease.

5. Tungro Disease

In addition to nuisance animals, plant diseases also often interfere so that in agricultural land it is not only necessary to control agricultural pests, but also viruses and diseases.

One of them is tungro disease carried by planthoppers. If rice or other plants are affected by this disease, it will make their productivity decrease so that the yield is very small.

There are two viruses that cause this disease, namely rice tungro bacilliform and rice tungro spherical. Both can infect simultaneously and can be transmitted to other plants by leafhoppers.

6. Mosaic Disease

This is a type of disease that attacks tobacco plants caused by the TMV virus (Tobacco Mosaic Virus). Symptoms include light green or yellow spots on the leaves. If the plant is infected, it will die immediately.

Various Ways of Pest Control

The existence of various animals and viruses that can interfere with plants, makes farmers have to be smart to find ways to control them so they don’t lose money due to crop failure or low yields.

Currently, there are several methods of controlling agricultural pests that are used in Indonesia. Here are some of the most used methods:

1. Mechanical

First, there is a way of controlling mechanical techniques. This technique is a method that relies on real action, in the form of using tools to repel animals and diseases.

Mechanical techniques do not rely on chemicals such as insecticides or drugs. Instead, it requires some tools, such as sickles, crop shears, machetes, and so on. Some of the examples are closing rat holes in rice fields, clearing bushes so that rats cannot hide, using scarecrows, and so on.

Fumigation with this technique takes a long time and quite a lot of energy. However, the results are not optimal because pests and diseases spread faster than the application of mechanical methods.

2. Biological

Furthermore, using biological methods, namely using predators from these pests. By placing predators, it is expected to reduce the pest population and make the pests go away so that they do not interfere with agricultural areas.

For example, agricultural pest control uses biological methods to repel rats by using snakes which are rat predators. You can use a tamed snake to do this method.

3. Chemistry (Fumigation)

In addition to the two methods above, you can also use chemical methods or use pesticides, such as insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. This method is the easiest with maximum results.

The use of chemicals can be done in various ways, one of which is fumigation, namely using the method of pesticides fumigation in gas form. Fumigation makes pests poisoned through the air so that they suffocate. Fumigation techniques can be applied outdoors such as in plantations or rice fields or indoors, such as at home.

Fumigation is a very effective technique and can not only be applied to agricultural pests, but can also be used to eradicate termites and fleas on houses.

The chemicals used include methyl bromide, formaldehyde, chloropicrin, sulfuryl fluoride, iodoform, hydrogen cyanide, phosphine, and so on.

Need help dealing with various pests and plant diseases in your farm area? You can contact Sucofindo. Sucofindo is a company that provides fumigation and pest control services with various other techniques.

By leaving the work of agricultural pest control to a professional, you can save time and effort and have the assurance that the methods used will produce the best results.

For more information about testing and analysis services  and the agriculture sector. You can read our article here. If you and your company need further information regarding our services, contact and consult about it here.

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