ArticlesCertification ServicesWholesale and Retail Trade Sector

4 Steps to Obtain Halal Certification

Is Having Halal Certification Important?

The Halal label on a product is crucial when running a business in Indonesia. In a country where the majority of the population follows Islam, there is a significant emphasis on products with Halal certification. Halal, in essence, means permissible, referring broadly to products or activities that comply with Islamic law. One way to obtain the Halal label in Indonesia is through the Halal Certification, a recognition of a product’s Halal status issued by the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) based on written Halal fatwas issued by MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council). The institution responsible for examining and/or testing the Halal status of products is called the Halal Certification Body (LPH).

Halal Logo

4 Steps to Apply for Halal Certification

Given the importance of Halal Certification for businesses in Indonesia, there are only four easy steps to obtain it:

  1. Registration at
    • Businesses can register on the BPJPH portal ( with the prepared documents.
    • Ensure compliance with the certification requirements set by BPJPH and complete supporting documents for the certification application.
    • In this step, remember to choose SUCOFINDO as the Halal Certification Body for your business. The application will then be verified by BPJPH.
  2. Examination with the Halal Certification Body (SUCOFINDO):
    • After registering on the BPJPH portal, SUCOFINDO, as the selected institution, can assist in examining the Halal status of the business.
    • Why SUCOFINDO? SUCOFINDO has been recognized by BPJPH and MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) as a certified and competent Halal Auditor. With a comprehensive infrastructure for the Halal Certification process spread across 28 branch offices, 38 service units, and accredited Halal testing laboratories, SUCOFINDO offers services related to the halal testing of food safety, including nutritional information, beverages, and oils.
    • In this stage, the product will be tested and audited from the beginning to the end of the process. If the entire process meets Halal requirements, the product findings report will be forwarded to MUI.
  3. Fatwa Session by MUI:
    • The product will be evaluated based on the report from SUCOFINDO and supporting documents, and a Halal Fatwa will be issued.
    • In this stage, the product will be assessed for compliance with Halal requirements.
  4. Issuance of Halal Certificate by BPJPH (Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency):
    • BPJPH will issue the Halal certificate according to MUI’s decision.
    • Businesses are entitled to receive the Halal certificate, which is valid for up to 4 years.

For more information about certification services and the Wholesale and Retail Trade sector, you can read our articles here. If you and your company need more information about our services, feel free to contact and consult with us here.

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