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SUCOFINDO Realizes 1,898 TKDN Certificates in 2022

JAKARTA, (17/1) – PT SUCOFINDO supports the Ministry of Industry’s commitment to increasing the use of domestic products (P3DN), namely by issuing 1,898 TKDN certificates throughout 2022. This support is also in line with presidential instruction number 2 of 2022 concerning accelerating the increase in the use of domestic products and products of micro, small and cooperative enterprises.
“This realization is a form of our support for the TKDN program, which has been announced by the government. It is recorded that PT SUCOFINDO has succeeded in realizing 1,898 TKDN certificates and this result is above the target set by the Ministry of Industry, namely 1,250 TKDN certificates in 2022,” said PT SUCOFINDO President Director Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi.

Furthermore, Mas Wigrantoro added that SUCOFINDO remains consistent and committed to providing the best service for business actors or institutions to increase TKDN realization. “This support is in line with Article 86 of Law No. 3 of 2014 concerning Industry which requires companies or institutions to use domestic products in every procurement of goods or services,” said Mas Wigrantoro.

Therefore, Mas Wigrantoro added that to make the TKDN program a success, PT SUCOFINDO is ready to assist in massive consulting and outreach. This is done in order to capture as many verification objects as possible and is not limited to TKDN certification of goods.

“Not only that, but to make the TKDN program successful, PT SUCOFINDO is equipped with infrastructure, accredited auditors, and has the qualified experience to provide TKDN verification services. In the future, we will continue to be committed to providing the best service for TKDN certification,” said Mas Wigrantoro.

Head of PT SUCOFINDO’s Trade, Industry and Maritime SBU (PIK), Agus Permadi, who handles TKDN services, explained that the implementation of TKDN certification makes it easier for business actors to meet the requirements for participating in tenders, increases selling points in offering products, price preferences in tenders, and optimizes capacity and product quality.

Agus added that the process of applying for TKDN certification greatly facilitates business actors. “First, business actors can contact the independent survey agency, Sucofindo. Then, the company prepares company legality documents, namely business identification numbers (NIB) and industrial business permits (IUI) that are still valid or IUI submissions through online single submission (OSS) at the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) which are already effective for the submission stage.

In the next step, the survey agency will conduct a site visit and calculate the portion of local and imported raw materials or materials used and labor (direct and indirect). Then, a verification report will come out, which will later be approved and a certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry.

Agus is committed that in the future PT SUCOFINDO will continue to maintain its commitment to assisting business actors and supporting the government in implementing TKDN. “In the future we will continue to maintain this commitment and carry out government assignments, especially realizing TKDN,” closed Agus Permadi.


PT SUCOFINDO is the first inspection company in Indonesia and was founded on October 22, 1956. PT SUCOFINDO is currently incorporated as a holding part of BUMN Survey Services or ID Survey with PT BureauClassification of Indonesia (Persero) as the holding company, and PT Surveyor Indonesia.

SUCOFINDO’s business started with inspection and supervision services in the trade sector to assist the government in ensuring the smooth flow of goods and safeguarding the country’s foreign exchange. Then SUCOFINDO diversified its services in the fields of analytical laboratories, engineering, auditing, certification, assessment, consulting, training, and various related supporting activities, including in the fields of agriculture, forestry, oil and gas, mining, construction, processing industry, marine, fishery, transportation, new and renewable energy, and information technology. SUCOFINDO has 66 service points spread throughout Indonesia, managed in an integrated manner, and supported by experts in various fields. An extensive network of 75 laboratories provides close service to customers throughout Indonesia.


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