Press ReleaseNews

Sucofindo Launches 3R Waste Management Site in Gianyar for Environmental Preservation

Bali – State survey company PT Sucofindo provided and launched a 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) waste management site at Tirta Empul Temple in Manukaya village, Tampak Siring sub-district, Gianyar district, Bali.

“This waste management site assistance is a form of PT Sucofindo’s commitment to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in preserving the environment, especially in terms of handling climate change and reducing greenhouse gas effects,” said the Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Sucofindo Budi Hartanto.

Budi explained that such assistance was in line with PT Sucofindo’s commitment to realizing the SDGs, specifically the implementation of Goals No.3 regarding Healthy and Prosperous Living; No.8 regarding Decent Work and Economic Growth; as well as No.13 regarding climate change.

Therefore, he expressed hope that the assistance provided can be a solution for the people in Manukaya Village in overcoming the waste problem and the impact it has caused.

“We hope that this assistance can reduce environmental pollution, especially in the area around Tirta Empul Temple, which is a tourist destination,” he stated.

The assistance provided by PT Sucofindo included the construction of a 3R waste management facility, the provision of a waste counting tool as well as training for the local community on waste sorting and waste processing into organic fertilizer.

“In addition to helping the surrounding area to preserve the environment, this assistance can help improve local economic value, such as the results from waste processing to fertilizer. The villagers can use it for their agricultural cultivation and they can also sell the fertilizer to other areas,” Budi said.

He added that the 3R waste management site at the Tirta Empul Temple is an implementation of Creating Shared Value (CSV) for the community and companies.

“It is useful to create jobs in waste management and processing to produce organic fertilizer which can provide economic benefits to the community. For companies, it can open opportunities for laboratory testing services on fertilizer quality and organic fertilizer certification according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) as well as for Tourism Village Ecolabels,” he pointed out.

Deputy Head of Gianyar District Anak Agung Gde Mayun, who attended the launching of the waste management site, expressed his appreciation to PT Sucofindo for the facilities and infrastructure assistance that had been provided to Manukarya Village.

“We thank you for the assistance provided. We hope that this assistance can be of benefit to residents of the Manukaya village since waste management has been a common problem, especially in the tourist area including at Tirta Empul Temple. We hope that this collaboration will continue and be able to improve the quality of a healthy and productive environment,” Gde Mayun said.

Chairperson of the Akshara Foundation Linia Manmagilan, who acts as coach at Tirta Empul waste management site, said that the assistance is expected to unravel the waste problems in Gianyar district.

“Therefore, I am optimistic that this collaboration will solve the problems and will be able to create Creating Shared Value (CSV) for all parties involved. It will bring benefit to the local government, Sucofindo, the Akshara Linia foundation, and the beneficiary communities,” Manmagilan remarked.

She also argued that waste management facilities and training can help empower the surrounding community. “We also provide a variety of training ranging from waste segregation to waste management, such as processing organic waste into fertilizer. In addition, we provide training for farmers on plant cultivation which can later support the economic capacity of the local community,” Manmagilan said. Earlier, PT Sucofindo had provided 3R management waste assistance in Bresela Village, Gianyar.

“In the future, we will continue to be committed to supporting the community’s economic progress by optimizing the potential of the region, as well as expanding the scope of our assistance,” Budi said.

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