Consulting Services

AMDAL: Know the Purpose of Environmental Impact Analysis

Ways to Prevent, Benefits, and Purpose of AMDAL for Companies

Know the purpose of AMDAL, which is officially stated in Government Regulation No. 29 of 1986. Environmental Impact Analysis is a study conducted to make wise environmental decisions.

Environmental impact analysis is helpful in determining whether an area can be developed or not because building various facilities for human needs turns out to have a significant impact on natural ecosystems.

Definition of AMDAL

As a first step, learn more about the definition of environmental impact analysis. The definition is exactly as stated in PP No. 29 of 1986, where environmental impact analysis is a study used to make development decisions that pay attention to environmental impacts.

Before knowing the purpose of AMDAL, understanding its definition can help you learn the whole discussion. In 1993, a new Government Regulation No. 51 emerged, further refining the environmental impact analysis.

In 1993, the scope of environmental impact analysis was divided into several categories. These categories include multi-sectoral, regional, and regional activities. Until now, the category of development refers to the analysis.

Studies in AMDAL

After doing the analysis, of course, there will be various documents produced. The completeness of these documents is one of the objectives of the AMDAL to become legal when development is carried out. Various forms of study results are contained in:


KAANDAL stands for Terms of Reference for Kerangka Acuan Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Hidup, which is a document regarding the scope and depth of the ANDAL study. The content is about the impact, the limits of the study, the methods of the initiator of the activity, and the commission of assessment.


ANDAL is an environmental impact analysis document that is a study related to the significant impacts of an activity. ANDAL is carried out after various processes from KAANDAL have been completed because the ANDAL function is to examine KAANDAL more deeply.

3. RKL

Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup or RKL is a document on preventing negative impacts and maximizing positive impacts. One of these studies supports the proper implementation of the AMDAL objectives.

4. RPL

Environmental Monitoring Plans, or RPLs, contain various activities that monitor development impacts. The monitoring results are used as material for evaluating the effectiveness of management in the field.

5. Executive Summary Document

The last is the executive summary document, which summarizes all the studies. In this document, all things are outlined concisely with the intention that they are easy to understand and can be studied more deeply when put into practice.

Purpose of AMDAL

Now, find out more about the purpose of AMDAL. Environmental impact analysis is carried out with various AMDAL objectives, including:

1. Be Positive Feedback

The analysis can provide input so that every planning is based on environmental sustainability. Study after study becomes an essential reference so that development does not damage or cause damage in the future.

2. Granting a Business License

The responsible party can issue Business and activity permits after seeing whether the conditions allow it to be carried out. If you get permission, then there will be no problems.

3. Regional Development Plan Reference

Regional development can provide satisfaction for people living in the vicinity, which is a form of pride because the infrastructure is increasing. However, all of them must meet the environmental analysis first so as not to cause harm.

4. Legal and Scientific Documentation

Finally, the purpose of analyzing with the help of Sucofindo is to produce legal and scientific documentation. When faced with the law, one of this AMDAL’s purposes is to provide valid and robust evidence.

In preparing the environmental impact analysis document, you must consult experts. Sucofindo can facilitate your conducting consultations regarding environmental impact analysis before the project starts.

For more information about consultation services, you can read our article here. If you and your company need further information regarding our services, contact and consult about it here.

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