Certification Services

Manufacturing Procedures in Quality Management System (ISO 9001)

Implementation of a Quality Management System for Customer and Employee Satisfaction

The quality management system has a long-term impact on the company. Quality management refers to a company or organization producing products or services.

In the process, there is standardization that will provide benefits to consumers and companies. This is done to find out whether it meets certain quality requirements.

One of the quality standards is ISO 9001 Certificate. This standard is of international standard. If a company or organization has obtained it, it has complied with international requirements in terms of quality management systems.

The specific consumer needs are met if the company has met these requirements. In this case, the company has the responsibility for guaranteeing the quality of the products and services produced.

Know What is a Quality Management System

The quality management system is established to control and supervise activities and tasks in the company internal. With this system, it is expected that products and services can achieve targets consistently.

This system is also a tool to help companies maintain overall quality. The quality management system involves all adequate human resources and is customer satisfaction oriented.

To achieve goals related to quality, companies must get support from all parties, including employees. The process of managing, maintaining, and improving quality, it is carried out based on several principles.

  1. Consumer focus. Companies must be sensitive to consumer needs to meet customer satisfaction.
  2. Leadership. Leaders must be able to balance company goals and employee needs.
  3. Involvement of human resources. Companies must adjust and involve employees to smooth all operational functions of the organization.
  4. Focus on the process. To produce quality goods and services, an organization must be process oriented. It is intended for ISO 9001 certification assessment.
  5. Quality management system approach. This principle is expected to accelerate the achievement of the organization’s vision and mission and increase profits.
  6. Continuous improvement. An organization is expected to improve its quality and effectiveness gradually.
  7. A factual approach. Decisions taken must be based on facts so that they can be resolved effectively.

The main purpose of the quality management system itself is to support the achievement of all organizational targets. Starting from determining the work standards of organizations and business entities to form quality resources.

Then facilitate an organization or business entity in achieving its vision and mission. In which there is a vision to increase consumer confidence in the products offered.

Another goal is related to a solid, neat, and directed work culture so as to increase the work motivation of all employees and members of the company. It will gradually help the company develop its business.

From the ISO 9001 certification standard, every company or organization can measure the suitability between needs and specific criteria requirements. This can increase customer satisfaction by meeting needs according to process and product requirements.

They encourage every member of the organization or company to improve their abilities following the standardization of the quality management system. Produce reliable and responsible resources and increase credibility in the eyes of stakeholders.

Various Procedures in Quality Management System

There are two crucial stages related to quality management procedures. Referring to the procedural requirements in the ISO 9001 2015 certification. Here are two things that the company or organization must fulfill.

1. Documentation

This first procedure requires three organizational documents—namely, the scope of application of ISO 9001, quality policy, and quality objectives. The previous version, 2008, required a Quality Manual and six mandatory procedures.

The six procedures are document control, records, non-conforming products, internal audits, corrective and preventive actions. In addition, policy documents and quality objectives.

The procedure itself is an organization that standardizes the way to carry out activities from changing inputs to outputs. In it, there must be documentation such as recording, registration and so on.

The regularity of each process from changing inputs to outputs will be included in the assessment. Is it following the currently valid international standard, namely ISO 9001 certification. Or is it still necessary to improve later to support quality management.

2. Document implementation

This implementation is for validated documents. Conducted by an independent team or a designated certification body. Having a recognized accreditation body, namely ANAS-BNR, to be followed up to carry out various audit activities.

Audit procedures refer to the standards followed. So it’s more than subjectively assessing company or organization policies. But the assessment is neutral, based on standardization rules.

The results of the audit that has been completed will then determine whether the organization will pass or not. If declared passed, the organization’s name can be seen on the official website of the ISO 9001 2015 Certification body that sent the auditor.

Choosing the services of an ISO consultant is also essential. Companies or organizations in Indonesia can use the services of Sucofindo, whether the company is small or large scale so that the quality management system is effective.

For more information about certification services, you can read our article here. If you and your company need further information regarding our services, contact and consult about it here.

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