Facilitation of Guidance and Technical Assistance of Public Service Programs
Facilitation of Guidance and Technical Assistance of Public Service Programs Elucidation
PT SUCOFINDO’s guidance and technical assistance activity facilitation services (helpdesk) help ensure that telematics development and/or development programs align with public service programs/policies from clients or stakeholders. This service also helps implement the development and construction of a public service system according to the client or stakeholder work program, as well as the realization of the implementation of public services according to the target of the client’s or stakeholder’s work program.
Facilitation of Guidance and Technical Assistance of Public Service Programs Service Scope
Through this service, PT SUCOFINDO facilitates technical guidance or training activities related to the development or construction of public service programs from clients or stakeholders, as well as technical assistance activities (helpdesk) on the development and construction of public service programs from clients or stakeholders.