Certification Services

Frozen Fish vs. Fresh Fish, Here’s the Difference in SNI Standards for Fishery Products!

Fresh and Frozen Fish Standard Based on SNI

You must be familiar with the term SNI or Indonesian National Standard. This SNI is used for various types of products, including fishery products. SNI fishery products certainly have rules that are different from other types of products. Let’s get to know more closely how the application of SNI in the field of fishery products is like.

Definition and Benefits of SNI for the Fisheries Industry

SNI is a standard that has been used by the government to assess the quality of a product. This SNI applies to various types of products circulating in the country. Both products produced by individuals and companies.

In Indonesia, SNI is the only standard that has been made by the National Standards Agency. So there is only one standard used by all types of products in Indonesia, namely SNI. The application of SNI is carried out by the government so that companies can get definite references in making a product.

Of course there are many benefits from the implementation of the SNI. Especially for the fishing industry in Indonesia. This SNI will help companies in Indonesia to produce quality and standardized products. Later it is expected that products from within the country can compete with products from abroad.

The existence of SNI for fishery products will help exporters to meet international standards. In addition, SNI will also build consumer trust. What’s more, the existence of an SNI label will help a businessman avoid legal action because his products are distributed legally and are guaranteed to be safe.

There are many SNIs that regulate the circulation of fishery products in the country. One of them is SNI regarding fresh fish and frozen fish. Fresh fish standardization follows SNI 2729:203 while frozen fish standardization is SNI 4110:2014.

Differences in SNI Standards for Frozen Fish and Fresh Fish

Of course, the SNI for fishery products for frozen fish and fresh fish has fundamental differences. Let’s understand one by one the following SNI standards for frozen fish and fresh fish.

1. SNI Fresh Fish

In accordance with the SNI for fresh fish, the fish referred to here are fish that have not undergone preservation measures unless chilled or put in a chiller. In order to obtain SNI, fresh fish products must meet the standards.

This standard will be given to all types of fish that have fins and are the result of being caught or cultivated from waters that are not polluted in any way. Fish should also have a well-rounded shape with bright eyes and a fresh smell. In addition, fish also has an elastic and dense texture.

Fresh fish standards will also be given to fish caught with adequate equipment. The equipment ranges from cutting tools, insulation boxes, baskets, and so on. All equipment must be clean and unpolluted.

2. SNI for Frozen Fish

Let’s see what the SNI for fishery products looks like for frozen fish. Frozen fish referred to here are live or fresh or frozen fish products that have gone through the washing process and frozen at temperatures of up to -18 degrees Celsius. The standard is almost the same as the fresh fish, only the treatment is different.

The body of the fish must be intact, not injured or deformed. In addition, the fish must also have a bright color and have normal gill covers. Sanitation standards must also be the same as fresh fish sanitation standards.

SNI for fishery products for fresh fish and frozen fish has clear rules and needs to be obeyed. In order to obtain this SNI, it is necessary to carry out an audit and test or analysis. SUCOFINDO is one of the competent institutions to carry out this test.

For more information on certification services and the Marine and Fisheries Sector. You can read our article here. If you and your company need further information regarding our services, contact and consult about it here.

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