PT Sucofindo Palembang Branch Provides Educational Facility Development Assistance to Rumpun Kembang Ilalang Foundation in Bangka Belitung

Pangkalpinang, (4/11) – PT Sucofindo Palembang Branch and the Pangkalpinang Service Unit provided Education Facility Development Assistance in the form of classroom construction funds to the Rumpun Kembang Ilalang Foundation in the Bangka-Belitung Islands.

The assistance was symbolically given by Mr. Sutikno the Head of the Palembang branch, and accompanied by Mr. Gian Prabuharto the Head of the Sucofindo Pangkalpinang Service Unit, and received by the chairman of the Rumpun Kembang Ilalang Foundation, Mrs. Dr. Laylasari ST, MT along with several other core administrators.

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