Testing & Analysis Services

Understand How to Monitor Environmental Quality

Recognize Changes in Environmental Quality to Anticipate Unexpected Changes

The condition of the water can be a means of monitoring the quality of the environment, whether it is clean or dirty. Have you ever seen gutter water that is pitch black and has a pungent odor? This is one example of an environment polluted by waste.

In the past, many people who owned houses beside rivers in urban areas were good because the water was still evident. However, at this time, in urban areas, it seems synonymous with the color brown, bad smells, garbage stagnating everywhere, and various other nasty things.

Clean Water Indicator

This is because the water quality has decreased. However, here we will discuss seven indicators of clean water that determine whether an environment is of good quality. The following conditions determine clean water indicators in monitoring the quality of a healthy environment:

  1. Clear is the first indicator, meaning that when it flows, the water does not have any color other than clear. Besides that, when it is accommodated, it is not blind at all.
  2. It doesn’t smell, so if you don’t see it, you won’t know immediately that water is there. It would help if you watched out for the smell, especially the pungent smell that spreads to various areas.
  3. Tasteless to taste. When you find water with a salty, bitter, and bitter taste, you can be sure that the water’s condition is not clean.
  4. The average temperature is the fourth indicator for monitoring environmental quality by looking at the condition of the waters. The average temperature reaches 10 to 25 degrees Celsius.
  5. Neutral pH meaning not too acidic and not too alkaline. For information, the pH starts from number 1, which indicates acidity and ends at number 14, which shows alkalinity. Meanwhile, the average pH is between 6.5 – 9.0.
  6. It does not contain harmful chemicals that can damage the body, especially if the composition of these substances is excessive.
  7. Bacteria-free is the last indicator. Free from E. coli bacteria is the ultimate hand to save your gut. This bacterium can attack humans as well as animals.

By monitoring environmental quality through the implementation of the seven indicators above, it is clear whether the water in your environment is good. Risks can arise when using water carelessly, ranging from itching to abdominal pain and diarrhea.

What is Environmental Quality Monitoring?

To determine the quality of a place, various related elements must be examined, from the air and water to land. Determination of quality can be done periodically or renewed after several years.

More than one world university has studied studies related to this matter. However, Indonesia has taken the Environmental Quality Index or shortened it to EQI. EQI is a monitoring process created by Virginia Commonwealth University.

In monitoring environmental quality, EQI involves several parties, such as professionals in their fields, government, and local organizations. In Indonesia, IKLH refers to three elements: forest cover, water quality, and Indonesian air conditions.

Based on the three elements of the assessment, two issues will be found, the first green issue and the second brown issue. Green means more good quality, while brown is a meaning for relatively high pollution.

The process of monitoring the environment cannot just pay attention to it for a moment. There’s a lot to do, and you need an expert. Entrust the monitoring process to us. Sucofindo guarantees careful planning of your project. Not only good physically, but also have a long business life.

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