Preserving Indonesian Cuisine, Five MSEs assisted by Sucofindo Participate in the Adirasa Nusantara Exhibition at JCC

Jakarta, (10/08) – In order to introduce the rich taste of Indonesian culinary delights, as well as increase the promotion of UMK culinary products, PT Sucofindo participated in the Adirasa Nusantara Exhibition which was held on 10-14 August 2022 at the Main Lobby and Plennary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). 

In this event, PT Sucofindo sent 5 fostered MSEs engaged in the culinary field, namely Rollie Bakery & Cookies, Mirama Jaleljo, Lariso Siomay Canteen, Sulasa Fried Chicken & Burger, and Revanza Bakery. At this exhibition, the booth of Sucofindo's partners was visited by the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Mr. Rachmat Gobel, as well as entrepreneur, writer and motivator, Mrs. Dewi Motik Pramono.

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