Gresik, (18/05) – PT Sucofindo Surabaya Branch provides Educational Facilities and Infrastructure Sector Assistance in the form of the Renovation of a new class for MI Nurul Huda and the construction of a new class for MI Ma'arif At-Taqwa Kec. Wringinanom Kab. Gresik. Classrooms in this school are in very poor condition, with many roofs leaking during the rainy season and making students uncomfortable learning.
The handover of aid was given directly by Mr. Sholeh Hasan, Head of the HR & GA Subid of PT Sucofindo Surabaya Branch to Mr. Khoiril, S.Ag as Head of MI Nurul Huda, and to Mrs. Yulianah, S.Pd. SD as principal of MI Ma'arif At Taqwa.