West Manggarai, (05/07) – Holding BUMN Survey Services or IDSurvey collaborated to distribute Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) assistance in the form of providing clean water, new electricity connections, MCK facilities, and student reading books for Papagarang Village, East Nusa Tenggara.
The inauguration of the assistance was carried out by the Deputy of Human Resources and Information Technology of the Ministry of SOEs, Tedi Bharata, who was accompanied by the President Director of PT. Indonesian Classification Bureau (Persero), Mr. Rudiyanto, President Director of PT SUCOFINDO, Mr. Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi, and President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Mr. M. Haris Witjaksono.
Mr. Tedi Bharata said that the direction of the SOE minister @erickthohir TJSL BUMN must be integrated, directed and accountable. "With collaboration between SOEs, it is hoped that SOE TJSL can reach a wider and integrated reach. The TJSL program has an impact that must be felt and sustained. Can not give any program. It is necessary to pay attention to which ones have a good impact and sustainability."
Especially for the clean water assistance provided, 400 families, 1530 people and 390 houses can use it. In addition, as many as 126 households have received new electricity connections. After electrification, children can study better at night and residents can carry out activities more freely, thereby improving the community's economy.
One of the residents of Papagarang village, Sumarlin, expressed his gratitude and gratitude for the help they had received. Sumarlin said that the residents of Papagarang Village were helped by the clean water facilities provided by the BUMN. Previously, people still used canoes to fetch water from boats and then transported it to residents' homes, with a fairly high purchase price.