Building a Sustainable Mineral Processing: Innovative Ideas In Mentok

Buku “Building a Sustainable Mineral Processing: Innovative Ideas In Mentok” berisi tentang ide inovasi pada bidang pengolahan dan peleburan mineral yang berkelanjutan pada Kawasan PT TIMAH Tbk area Divisi Pengolahan dan Peleburan Mentok. Pada buku ini diulas Ide Inovasi meliputi program yang berdampak pada aspek efisiensi energi, penurunan emisi, pengurangan limbah B3 dan non B3, serta efisiensi air. Buku ini menampilkan bagaimana proses ide itu terbentuk serta dampak yang dihasilkan kepada lingkungan, penghematan biaya serta aspek lainnya.

Retno Suryani, Anggita Fitriani, Arifa Sofia Putri, Maharani Salsabila Putri Hariyadi, Norrisal Fuade Anwar, Iswandi, Suhendra, Erlia, Deka Zulpan, Maya Soraya

The book “Building a Sustainable Mineral Processing: Innovative Ideas in Mentok” contains innovative ideas in the field of sustainable mineral processing and smelting in the PT TIMAH Tbk area of ​​the Mentok Processing and Smelting Division area. In this book, Innovation Ideas are reviewed, including programs that have an impact on aspects of energy efficiency, reducing emissions, reducing B3 and non-B3 waste, and water efficiency. This book shows how the idea was formed and the resulting impact on the environment, cost savings and other aspects.

Retno Suryani, Anggita Fitriani, Arifa Sofia Putri, Maharani Salsabila Putri Hariyadi, Norrisal Fuade Anwar, Iswandi, Suhendra, Erlia, Deka Zulpan, Maya Soraya